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Heather Sirrine
Rome, Paris and London
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Heather Sirrine

Lehi, UT Travel Agent
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Heather Sirrine

Lehi, UT Travel Agent
Heather Aletha Luxury Travel LLC, an independent agent with Trips and Ships Luxury Travel, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
19 reviews
100.00% Recommended
2 Years of Experience
COUNTRIES VISITED:England, France, Italy
PLACES VISITED:London, Paris, Rome
Rome, is known for its rich history and stunning architecture. Visitors can explore ancient ruins such as the Colosseum and the Roman Forum, marvel at the beauty of the Vatican City, or toss a coin into the famous Trevi Fountain. The city is also renowned for its delicious food and wine, and visitors can indulge in traditional Italian cuisine. Paris, is famous for its iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, and Notre-Dame. Visitors can stroll along the picturesque Seine River, explore world-class museums such as the Louvre and Musée d'Orsay, or indulge in some of the best cuisine and wine in the world. London, is a vibrant city that offers something for everyone. You can explore the Tower of London, take a ride on the London Eye, or watch the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace. The city is also home to world-class museums such as the British Museum and the National Gallery, and visitors can indulge in diverse cuisine from all around the world.
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Colosseum, Palatine Hill and The Forums
The Colosseum, also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, is an iconic symbol of Ancient Rome. It was built in 80 AD by the Roman Emperor Vespasian and his son Titus, and was used for public spectacles such as gladiatorial games, animal hunts, and mock sea battles. Today, the Colosseum is a popular tourist attraction and one of the most recognizable landmarks in Rome. Palatine Hill is one of the seven hills of Rome and is located in the center of the city. It is said to be the site of the founding of Rome, and was the location of the residences of many of Rome's emperors. Today, the hill is a popular tourist destination and offers stunning views of the surrounding city. The Roman Forum is a rectangular plaza surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings, temples, and public spaces. It was the center of political and social life in ancient Rome and was the site of many public speeches, legal proceedings, and commercial transactions.
Learn what was under the Colosseum
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Trevi Fountain and Spanish Steps Walking Tour
Exploring Rome is a fantastic experience, and the Trevi Fountain and Spanish Steps are two iconic landmarks you should definitely include in your itinerary. Trevi Fountain. Visit Early in the Morning: Toss a Coin: According to legend, tossing a coin over your left shoulder with your right hand into the fountain guarantees a return trip to Rome. Two coins will ensure a return and a new romance, and three coins will guarantee a return, a new romance, and marriage Spanish Steps. Climb the Steps: The Spanish Steps consist of 135 steps and offer a lovely view of the Piazza di Spagna below. Climb them, find a spot to sit, and enjoy the bustling atmosphere. Remember to wear comfortable shoes, as there's a lot of walking involved when exploring Rome. Also, stay hydrated and take your time to soak in the history, culture, and beauty of this remarkable city. Enjoy your visit to Rome!
Trevi Fountain
Spanish Steps
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Vatican City
Vatican City is a unique destination located within the city of Rome, Italy. It's the smallest independent state in the world, both in terms of area and population, and serves as the spiritual and administrative center of the Roman Catholic Church. St. Peter's Basilica is one of the most iconic religious buildings globally, known for its stunning Renaissance architecture and art. Don't miss the climb to the dome for panoramic views of the city. St Peter's Square. This grand square is surrounded by a colonnade designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini and is where many papal events and gatherings take place.The obelisk at the center of the square is an ancient Egyptian obelisk brought to Rome by Emperor Caligula and later placed in the square by Pope Sixtus V. The Vatican Museums house an incredible collection of art, including works by Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo da Vinci. The Sistine Chapel, adorned with Michelangelo's famous frescoes, is one of the highlights.
St. Peter's Basilica
Sistine Chapel
St. Peter's Square
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Eiffel Tower and Seine River Cruise
The Eiffel Tower is an iconic landmark in Paris, France and is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world. A visit to Paris is incomplete without a trip to the Eiffel Tower. There are several ways to experience the tower, but the most popular option is to take the elevator to the top and enjoy the breathtaking views of the city. Another popular attraction in Paris is a Seine River cruise. The Seine River is a beautiful waterway that winds its way through the heart of Paris. A river cruise is a great way to see the city from a different perspective and take in some of its most famous landmarks, such as the Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Louvre Museum, and the Musée d'Orsay.
See the View from the top of the Eiffel Tower
See the Eiffel Tower at night
Cruise the Seine and spot famous landmarks
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The catacombs date back to the late 18th century when the city of Paris faced the problem of overflowing cemeteries and public health issues due to improper burials. As a result, the decision was made to transfer human remains to the abandoned underground quarries.
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The Louvre Museum, also known as the Musée du Louvre, is one of the world's most famous and largest art museums. Located in the heart of Paris, France, it's known for its extensive and diverse collection of art and historical artifacts.
Mona Lisa
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Montmartre Walking Tour and Champs-Elysees
Montmartre is a historic and artistic neighborhood located in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, France. It's famous for its charming, village-like atmosphere, artistic heritage, and iconic landmarks. Champs-Élysées, Paris: The Champs-Élysées is one of the most famous avenues in the world, located in the heart of Paris. It's known for its luxury shops, theaters, and cultural attractions.
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Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey
Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the British monarch. It has been the London residence of the UK's sovereigns since 1837. The palace is also used for state occasions and royal hospitality, and it is a popular tourist attraction. Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster. The clock tower is officially known as Elizabeth Tower. The clock is one of the most prominent symbols of the UK and is often used in images representing London. Westminster Abbey is a large, mainly Gothic abbey church, just to the west of the Palace of Westminster. It is one of the UK's most notable religious buildings and has been the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English and British monarchs since the 11th century. The abbey is also the final resting place of many famous figures, including Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Stephen Hawking. It is also a popular tourist attraction.
Watch the Changing of the Gaurds
Take a picture with Big Ben
Walk through Westminster Abbey looking for famous people buried there
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Tea at Kensington Palace
Afternoon tea at the Orangery in Kensington Palace is not only a culinary experience but also an opportunity to enjoy the elegance and serenity of a royal palace's surroundings. It's a must-do activity for those seeking a taste of traditional British culture and hospitality.
Kensington Palace
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Windsor Palace
Visiting Windsor Castle is an opportunity to step back in time and explore a living piece of British history. The castle's rich heritage, stunning architecture, and cultural significance make it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and those interested in the British monarchy.
Windsor Castle