by Erica Moody


Are you looking for a chill, relaxing vacation or an exciting, adventure-filled journey? Perhaps you and your partner are traveling together and can’t decide which route to take—an action-packed trip or a Zen-like sojourn. At Sandals Ochi Beach Resort, you don’t have to choose between calm and lively. This all-inclusive Jamaican property invites you to do both—from soothing spa treatments to fashionable nightclubs, here’s what you’ll find at this multifaceted resort.

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Tropical Paradise Massage

Side One: A Place to Unwind

Think luxurious beachfront spa treatments, peaceful tropical gardens, intimate dinners for two, butler suites with oversized balconies—prepare to be pampered at this adults-only, 100-acre resort overlooking the stunning Caribbean Sea. If you desire a private escape far from the crowds and sounds of daily life, Sandals Ochi Beach Resort will suit your search for serenity. 

Sandals’ renowned Red Lane Spa offers signature treatments to engage the senses, making use of local ingredients you can only find in Jamaica. Indulge in a “Tropical Paradise Massage” right on the beach or in a tropical garden, where your friendly therapist will greet you with a glass of bubbly “Chamberry” before your customized massage. Or relax together after-hours with a romantic Jasmine Twilight Couples Massage. Take a rejuvenating swim in more than 100 swimming pools across the property at a resort specifically designed to face the sea. Whether it’s lounging by the pool or sipping coffee on your bluffside terrace, the healing properties of water are never far from sight. Best of all, the resort is all-inclusive, so you won’t have to worry about payments once your vacation kicks off—even tips are included.

Side Two: An Adventurous Escape

Need a break from doing nothing? The activities at this resort are seemingly endless that it would be impossible to get bored. There is free unlimited scuba diving as well as other water sports including snorkeling, sailing, waterskiing and paddle-boarding. Get a workout in at the indoor squash court followed by unlimited rounds of golf at the 18-hole championship golf course, Sandals Golf & Country Club. If you want some help with your golf skills, Sandals offers regular free golf clinics.

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Escape to Sandals Ochi Beach Resort

After days filled with sporting adventures, spend your nights trying each of the resort’s 16 distinct restaurants and sipping drinks at the Caribbean’s first speakeasy. You’ll find fresh Caribbean cuisine along with Italian, Japanese, French and more. At The Rabbit Hole, provide a secret password (it’s changed daily) and be transported to the 1920s—the speakeasy is so hidden, you’ll need resort staff to point you in the right direction!    

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